Wonky Pots


Wonky Pots

Instructor: Candace Oakley

View class times & dates

Lesson Plan:

  • Week 1: Introductions, outline of class, demonstration of techniques, students begin working.
  • Week 2: Working in clay.
  • Week 3: Finishing our wet clay pieces, adding texture, and any underglazes desired.
  • Week 4: No Class, as our pieces are drying and will be bisque fired.
  • Week 5: Glazing our bisque pieces (Glaze firing completed prior to next class/pickup)
  • Week 6: We are planting plants in our pots! There will be an open discussion about our experience and feelings about the class, the creative process, and results.

In this class, students will create uniquely beautiful clay pots while being encouraged to explore the therapeutic properties of the art form and sharing in mindfulness, connectedness, and positivity exercises/activities. 

The instructor describes her inspiration and direction for the class as:

“Working with clay reminds us of our deep connection with the earth, which provides life and nourishes us. We will begin working on our projects, holding positive energy in mind, letting it flow from our hearts and hands. In this class, everything everyone creates is beautiful and perfect; there is no “right way” to make a wonky pot. Each vessel we make will be able to support the life of a beautiful, growing, thriving plant. I love this as symbolism to each one of us. Every person is simultaneously beautiful and perfect exactly the way they are, and we are all a little wonky too, which is something to celebrate.”


About Your Instructor:

Candace has worked in various creative fields and with different mediums throughout her life, gaining a broad array of experience.  Following her curiosities to additional art education, she first began taking art classes at PCC, but eventually transferred in pursuit of a degree.  She now holds a BFA from CSU Pueblo.  She continues to work in different mediums and follow her curiosities through educational endeavors, including, explorations into different modalities of energetic healing, and how it relates to creativity and, in turn, influences aspects of day-to-day life.

“It is important for me to be able to teach art projects and energy in tandem, as our energy influences our creative processes and the outcome of our work. My mission is to share the relaxing, healing, and self-care aspects of creativity."

Wonky Pots - August
Seats Available

August 3, 10, 24, 31, 2024



Open to Families/Mixed Age Groups

Please note that by enrolling in this class, you understand that the Arts Center's staff and/or Photographer-in-Residence may stop by to photograph the class for educational, marketing, and promotion purposes. By enrolling in this class you understand that if you wish to not be included in photographs, you are asked to alert your instructor and/or the Arts Center of your wishes and your wishes will be respected. A full copy of the Arts Center's Photo Release Policy can be provided anytime upon request and will also be provided in the classroom. Please let us know if you have any concerns. 

Also note that enrollment in this class will require the student(s) to review and sign our Clay Studio Rules and Liability Waiver. A copy will be provided to you to review before your first class, and copies will be available upon arrival to your first class as well. If you would like to review, download, and/or sign this waiver in advance, you can do so using the button below.