Tell Me A Story | 06.03.23 – 01.13.24
by Ron Brasch
Narrative art has a long history that dates as far back as cave art. Humans have always felt the need to visually present stories that are important to them. One defining characteristic of the Ron and Una Brasch Collection is its desire to tell stories. The collection is filled with narrative art including many works containing words as part of their image. Other artworks speak their story simply with their title.
The collection is considered contemporary with everything dating from post-World War II through the immediate present. Many forms of media are embraced with prints, sculpture, light sculpture, paintings, and some photography. Sculpture is an especially important part of the Brasch Collection. It bridges all three of the main categories of American, Cuban, and International art. In addition to the traditional forms of marble, bronze, glass, wood and steel, mobiles and light sculpture predominate. The light sculptures provide an interesting and unique dimension to the collection.
It has been said that artists leave a bit of their soul inside their work. Often, I feel their presence. Living surrounded by this art, both the artists and their creativity have become a part of my personal narrative. They have fed my soul and filled my heart. They have inspired and enriched me.
This exhibition has been assembled and arranged to present the distinct groupings of the Brasch Collection, while integrating them together. The works come from many different countries and continents – primarily the Unites States, Latin America, and Europe – yet complement one other.
Click the button below to read more about Ron Brasch and the art collection.
June 03, 2023 to January 13, 2024
- Members: Free
- Adults: $10.00
- Children: $8.00
- Military & Seniors 65+: $8.00
Located on the 3rd Floor of the Helen Thatcher White Galleries building.
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