Nutcracker in a Nutshell
Nutcracker season is in full swing here at the Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center. To kick off the holiday season, join us for our annual production of Nutcracker in a Nutshell on Saturday, November 18 at 2:00 P.M.
This condensed one-hour version of Nutcracker still has all the glitz and the glam from the original Arts Center production of The Nutcracker Ballet, brought magically to life by dancers from the Sangre de Cristo Ballet and School of Dance.
“Many of our current students were inspired to dance after seeing the Nutshell production,” says the Director of the School of Dance Nan Wainright. “The cast and crew of Nutshell are extremely grateful to be a part of the Art Center’s goal: to provide live theater for Pueblo’s children.”
All in all, this narrated version is a perfect holiday experience for children to dive deep into the magical world of The Nutcracker Ballet.
Reserve your seats today by heading to our website at www.sdc-arts.org/performances or by calling Arts Center guest services at 719-295-7200.
November 8, 2023
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Danielle Todisco, Buell Communications Liaison
719-295-7200 (ext. 7206)