Light Up Your Subject: Light as the Key - Mastering the Intensity of Light

Instructor: Dave Hayden
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Class 4: Mastering the Intensity of Light

Instructor: Dave Hayden

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

September 14, 2024

 In this final session, we'll tackle the simple inverse square law – an essential concept for understanding and controlling light intensity.

You'll learn how manipulating the distance between your light source and subject dramatically impacts the final image.   Through
various demonstrations and practical exercises, you'll master the art of placing lights to achieve your artistic intent.  

We’ll combine the principles of light intensity with light personality (hard/soft) for a complete understanding of the critical relationship
between the size of the light source and the distance from the light source.

Get ready to confidently control light and unleash your photographic potential!

Class 4: Mastering the Intensity of Light
Seats Available

September 14, 2024



Please note that by enrolling in this class, you understand that the Arts Center's staff and/or Photographer-in-Residence may stop by to photograph the class for educational, marketing, and promotion purposes. By enrolling in this class you understand that if you wish to not be included in photographs, you are asked to alert your instructor and/or the Arts Center of your wishes and your wishes will be respected. A full copy of the Arts Center's Photo Release Policy can be provided anytime upon request and will also be provided in the classroom. Please let us know if you have any concerns.