Arboreal Selfies - Ray Pachak

July 22 Opening Reception
Arboreal Selfies

Arboreal Selfies | Ray Pachak

July 22 Opening Reception 4-6PM

Exhibition date: 7/22 through 8/19


Come join us on Saturday, July 22, 4-6PM for Ray Pachak's opening reception: Arboreal Selfies. Featuring homemade instruments in the Hoag gallery, you are more than welcome to interact with the instruments. Unlike any other exhibitions where you cannot touch the exhibit pieces, this one is encouraged to interact with all the instruments and start drumming! There will be a drum circle forming outside in the garden around after 4PM. 


This one of a kind exhibit is only open for one month, so please come in and enjoy the homemade instruments while you can!

See you soon!

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