Brand Central

Brand Central page title hero slide.

The Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center opened in 1972 located in Pueblo, Colorado. The Arts Center is a nonprofit co-opted by Pueblo County. June 2, 2022 marks 50 years of operation for the Arts Center.

Proper use of branding ensures that the Arts Center keeps a consistent look and feel in the community and to the patrons we serve.  The pages of this branding guide will help you better understand how to support the Arts Center messaging, color and logo, and use of the Arts Center's other marks in the development of communication and marketing materials, so that we may all remain consistent.

Mission: The Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center creates artistic, cultural, and educational experiences for everyone.


Values: Excellence in delivered experiences, Community focused, Diversity, Inclusivity, Longevity and sustainability, Quality arts education, Safety, Serving lower income population

Sangre de Cristo Arts Center Primary Color

SDC Primary Color Codes





 Sangre de Cristo Arts Center Expanded Color Pallet

SDC Expanded Color Pallet color codes.












The Arts Center color pallet is best used in RGB over CYMK. 

Primary Logo

Maintain consistent, clear zones around each of the Arts Center logos. The purpose of the exclusion zone is to protect the integrity of the logo, keeping it free from the confusion other elements might cause.

Ensure proper C-space (height and width of the C in the logo) when placing the Arts Center logos as seen below.

  • Main solution for placement on most web and print advertising
SDC Logo with C spacing.






Secondary Logo

  • Best to use when layout space available is horizontal in nature
SDC secondary logos with C spacing.








When referencing the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center:

Preferred (Note the "de" is always lowercase)

  • Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center 
  • Sangre de Cristo Arts Center

If you need to abbreviate the name: 

  • Arts Center (Preferred)
  • SDC Arts Center
  • Pueblo Arts Center

When referencing the Buell Children's Museum:


  • Buell Children's Museum

For questions or help with Brand Central, contact the Marketing & Development department at 719-295-7211.

Line with mountains footer logo.